Last update  : 12 February 2025

Uploaded a new version of TotalPower ( 8.1.0 ) that includes following changes :

1 - Messages showing PstRotator unavailability have been removed by directly blocking related features.

2 - Added linearization for H-Line ( Hydrogen line ) mode of "BAND EXPLORER function. 

3 - Corrected a bug on function "NOISE HORIZON"  that was generating error when switching to other functions .

4 - Corrected a bug on "NOISE PLOT" function  that sometime was preventig plotting to run at full speed.



My Name is Mario Armando Natali and I am located in central Italy in the town of Assisi. ( JN63HB )

I am an active ham radio operator since 1970 when I got my license; at very beginning I was an avid HF operator, but gradually my interest shifted to weak signals.

Starting in year 2008 I focused on EME  ( Earth Moon Earth )   and I made first EME contacts in 144 Mhz in 2010.

Recently I was able to install a 5 meters dish antenna and I moved to 1290 Mhz EME.

The EME activity, the partecipation to the periodic EME conference  and the help of many EME friends World Wide allowed a good tuning of all components of my station and so I decided to try some experiment in Radio Astronomy focusing on Pulsars detection . 

Needless to say meeting with Joe, K1JT had a great influence on this !

In this web site you can find information on my activity, some of the presentations I delivered and the softwares devolopped.

Hope to see you on the Moon !